10 years of Instagram, congratulations?

After a decade of Instagram, have we advanced or worsened our day to day?
Instagram cumple 10 años
Using LinkTree is giving away the traffic you generate to another company. Has no sense.

And the first decade of a social network arrived that undoubtedly revolutionized, along with Facebook, social networks, our way of communicating and even seeing the world.

Before Instagram, no one thought of taking a photo of their food or their newly released manicure.

Telling everything on social media or looking for references before buying something, hiring a service or just meeting someone.

We see it, we publish everything and that has generated that Instagram (and the rest of the social networks) have generated an algorithm that organizes the way to display all that information.

According to the website Mcsocialmedia.com In January there were more than 1,000 million Instagram users active in the world, 16 million are in Spain.

Making history

10 years ago when it first came out I remember that Instagram could be summed up as a place to post beautiful photos, in the style of Flickr but in app version. 

Little by little and at the same time smartphones were accessible to everyone, the boom began. Everyone wanted to post photos, spectacular photos that were taken by phones with flash cameras and a few tables. Something definitely new.

Along with this, other applications and social networks were born that allowed those photographs to be displayed. 

Some already existed Foursquare where you could comment on a restaurant or food site. Then they gave the option to tag and everyone started to put their photo or face while eating in these restaurants.

A photo, an advertisement

And they created the business profiles and everyone wanted one. Instagram, along with Facebook undoubtedly revolutionized our way of understanding relationships.

Is it progress or is it too much? It depends on how we live the networks, how we interact, we may be falling into an addiction and dependency that is difficult to manage or it can be a wonderful space to connect with other human beings anywhere in the world. 


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