El mito de la «marca perfecta»: por qué debes adaptarte a lo que realmente funciona

marca perfecta no existe

El mito de la «marca perfecta» Comparte: Por qué debes adaptarte a lo que realmente funciona ¡Espera un segundo! ¿Me estás diciendo que quieres cortar ese anuncio porque no encaja con la «marca»? ¡Pero si está dando resultados increíbles! Lo entiendo, te preocupa mantener la imagen cuidada y coherente, pero… ¿qué pasa si ese anuncio […]

Storytelling en marketing y publicidad: El Arte de contar historias que transforman marcas

Storytelling en Marketing y Publicidad: El Arte de Contar Historias que Transforman Marcas Comparte:   Las historias han sido la columna vertebral de nuestra cultura desde tiempos inmemoriales. Desde epopeyas antiguas hasta modernos anuncios virales, la narrativa tiene el poder de capturar nuestra atención, mover nuestras emociones y cambiar nuestras percepciones. En el mundo del […]

Network management or a beautiful website

gestion de redes o una web bonita

Network management or a beautiful website… Content summary Share: Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on pinterest Share on linkedin Share on whatsapp Share on email It is a common question we receive: What do we do, promote social networks or change the web ? Management of social networks or a beautiful website. When the […]

Your website from 20 euros

Tu web desde 20 euros al mes

Everyone is digitizing their projects to have their company proof of everything.
Get to have a website or online store now being able to pay in installments from €50/month.

Strategies that can reinvent your business in 2020

Estrategias de marca marketing digital

Different brand strategies are based on statistics and information. Your brand and the impression that your audience has is vital to increase your sales.
Defining your brand, the logo, corporate color and even the way to communicate is the most important thing. We tell you the reasons.

Undertaking in times of coronavirus

Emprender coronavirus

Being encouraged to undertake in times of crisis is the key to emerge stronger. Share: Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on pinterest Share on linkedin Share on whatsapp Share on email Many companies have had to lower their blinds in March due to the coronavirus pandemic and this has collapsed much of […]

Black Friday Promotion

BLACK FRIDAY 25% OFF CONTACT CHOOSE YOUR discount Advertising on social networks MARKETING Promote your project or brand for FREE for 3 MONTHS contracting any service. We have social networks with more than 100,000 followers. MORE INFO 20 FREE PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHS FREE IMAGES Use 20 FREE professional image bank photos with […]