Convierte prospectos en clientes con Hubspot


Desarrolla tu negocio con HubSpot CRM: enamora a tus clientes, dispara tus ventas y organiza tu empresa. ¡Solicita una valoración gratuita! #CRM #InboundMarketing #Ventas #Clientes #HubSpot

Storytelling en marketing y publicidad: El Arte de contar historias que transforman marcas

Storytelling en Marketing y Publicidad: El Arte de Contar Historias que Transforman Marcas Comparte:   Las historias han sido la columna vertebral de nuestra cultura desde tiempos inmemoriales. Desde epopeyas antiguas hasta modernos anuncios virales, la narrativa tiene el poder de capturar nuestra atención, mover nuestras emociones y cambiar nuestras percepciones. En el mundo del […]

Forget traditional marketing. Control Inbound Marketing

inbound marketing

Share: The power of Inbound Marketing: Capture your customers' attention effectively In today's digital world, where society has evolved in the way we work and consume, traditional marketing is losing its effectiveness. Intrusive techniques, such as unexpected phone calls and invasive advertisements, are more annoying […]

Shocking advertising: the Burger King Whopper case.


Why a moldy Whopper stars in Burger King's latest campaign? We've seen quite a few campaigns lately where we lose sight of who we should really be talking to, to focus on the competition. Meet Burger King's Whopper case.

Here is a clear example, original or questionable, of a campaign that uses something supposedly accidental to take advantage and a new campaign.

Learn now that likes don't sell

No, los likes no venden, no van a generarte más contrataciones así que no deja de calcular el éxito de tus redes en función de ellos. Clica.

Every day we receive requests from companies, entrepreneurs and individuals who want to get more likes, they need to have a significant increase in likes in their publications because according to their information it is the way to get more sales. But it is that the likes do not sell, really not. When we talk about likes we are leaving ourselves […]

How to make a sales landing page that really converts

A sales landing page or sales page is the best opportunity to explain our products and services to visitors and make them want to buy or hire our services. It must be attention-grabbing, informative and persuasive all at the same time. But wait, the list of conditions does not end there. Also has […]