Both when things are going well and when they go a little (or a lot) twisted, we believe that generating something positive helps to balance the bad or magnify the good, in Bona Idea Studio we firmly believe in it. It is because of this philosophy that we have thought of launching something good, something that generates good side effects in someone who needs it and for this we need you as a bridge.
Our tool is creativity and we want to make it available to those who need a push to generate more customers or sales, for those who may have very nice projects but with a poor corporate image that needs that professional touch that allows them to fly and compete better. And that is where you become a part, yes, you who are reading us, because here we can all be a part and a bridge.
We want you to participate in this contest that we have called Let us help you with the hashtag (or label) #bonaideatehelp where you simply have to write to us, tell us about the case of someone close to you who has a company or project that is not going well, who really needs and I can't pay for the advice of a professional, but because of your situation you need one. Write to us and share this news (on Facebook or Twitter you can share the publication) using the #bonaideatehelps.
Among all the participants who share the news and are followers of Bona Idea Studio in Facebook or in Twitter We are going to choose those who need it the most and we will make the logo for them free of charge and, if they need it, also a home website. It doesn't matter if you are in Spain or in the other part of the world, we work with clients all over the world so we are familiar with remote work, we can help you wherever you are, our bridge is you!
Can you help us help him? Share this news! He August 15th among all the participants who meet these conditions we will raffle 2 free advice and designs, at no cost to whoever you decide needs it. Remember #bonaideatehelp 😉
Write to us at info [@] and tell us about your case, or write to us through Facebook or Twitter. Thanks for letting us help you!