Undertaking in times of coronavirus

Be encouraged to undertake in times of crisis is the key to emerge stronger.


Many companies have had to lower their blinds in March due to the coronavirus pandemic and this has collapsed a large part of the economy, of that network of small businesses and the self-employed in the country (and realistically throughout the world).

The immediate reaction to fear has been to close even the digital, pause everything, stop working as a measure to reduce expenses and before this we find ourselves with two important errors.

That is why many people consider undertake in times of coronavirus, we give you the points to encourage you to take the step. 

Is it a good time to start?

Our regular client, the one who had made us grow, probably no longer exists or his behavior has changed forever. 

It can also happen that now we have to reinvent ourselves because the closure of our company has been final. 

So is it a good time? It is the best for many reasons, but the main one is that we have no other choice and from that place we have to rethink our work life in a different way.

We can launch that project that due to lack of time we have not been able to start or even encourage ourselves to study something online that allows us to create that company that we have always dreamed of.

If traveling a pandemic it doesn't mobilize you to finally do what you want, maybe you should start doing it now. 

This eternal quarantine allows many to have extra free time to be able to think and design a project to finally launch into an undertaking. 

Emprender coronavirus
It is now when the world needs the creativity of entrepreneurs, because we need to reinvent ourselves as a society, start again and better.

where to start

The first thing is to take advantage of this time of forced pause to analyze the sector well, to know the market where you want to start. Google, search for information, follow Business that do the same thing you expect to do and soak up everything you read.

Prepare a website, launch the online store of your physical store, have the visibility that you cannot have now in person. 

According to statistics of growth, the creation of web pages among freelancers has skyrocketed and this is undoubtedly because right now it is the best option. 

If you can't keep the store open, you can continue selling online and even expand your own market!

It is exciting launch outr what we always wanted, this break is giving us many things if we know how to see them. We can spend more time with the family, enjoy our children without the daily stress, take better care of our home and also dream. 

Have we forgotten our dreams? Perhaps we put them aside or we have directly filed them, but if they continue to make noise in our head, it is time to dust it off and give it shape.

Do you want us to help you? If you have questions or want us to help you, write to us without obligation. 


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