Be connected with our clients

cecilia martin bonaideastudio


It will be time to renew at the end of the confinement, we are already alerted. Many companies have been extremely reluctant to even approach digitization and automation in their operations. 

Extreme analog operation has worked well enough for them that they don't think about offering an extra to their customers or finding a way to expand by also being able to exist online.

Today, when millions of companies have had to temporarily close, only those that know how to reinvent themselves will benefit from this crisis. Benefited from learning, growth and in many cases even being able to continue billing when the blinds are drawn. 

"Investing in us or in our companies at a time of crisis is perhaps the only way to get out on our feet when everything happens."

It's time to think differently, mentally restructure ourselves as companies or professionals to connect with our clients whose faces we won't be able to see or know what they think, but we can know what they need. It is time to invest, even if it is little or even if it is not in money, invest in growth. 

Train if there is no money and learn to do something that until now you had to pay for or invest if you still have a small margin left for your company to be in that place where you can continue to be seen for now: the internet. 

Networks as an essential virtual bridge

There are many companies that have put a pause on everything that involves communication, social networks, advertising. A pause until everything passes that does not necessarily allow them to recover as quickly as they need. 

When the engine stops, it goes backwards, much of the networking work done in recent times is lost, but something more important is lost: contact with our customers when we need it most.

If we focus on algorithms, on statistics, on visits that drop and that make us believe that our decision was the best one, it actually makes us take the wrong path.

Now that we have more time, we must invest, reinvent ourselves as professionals, as companies, expand digital tools that we did not use due to lack of time or excessive laziness. 

Do you have a physical store that has had to lower its blinds? Open an online store! Keep selling your products, show them to more people. You can even get other stores to want to sell it, expand!

Do you offer intangible services? Create a website from where you can offer your services through tailor-made consultancies, with all the information and added value that distinguishes you from your competitors.

All companies, regardless of the sector, right now have an opportunity to show themselves to the market in a different way, either to continue billing now or to make themselves known enough so that the return after confinement is stronger than before. 

If you have any questions, write to me and I can advise you on what you could do with your company now without obligation. 

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