How to easily optimize photos for the web

Learn how to change the size of the images on your website in a simple and free way. Learn how to have your website optimized in images easily
Reducir imágenes de la web
reduce web images


We have talked a lot and you have asked us a million times about how to optimize photos for the web, reduce the images that you currently have on your website and all this mainly without Photoshop or with simple steps. In this way you will have an image-optimized website easily.

optimal weight web images

Although there is no exact rule, we can affirm that within certain parameters we can move with a certain degree of security and outside of them disaster is assured. 
So How much do the images on a website have to weigh??

Before knowing how much an image on your website should weigh, we must talk about terms and definitions because many do not keep in mind what a Kb or Mb is, much less pixels. Having this clear, it will be easier to learn and know how to easily have your website optimized in images.

How data is measured 

Weight: KB or kilobyte is an information storage unit (graphics, text, etc.) whose symbol is kB and is equivalent to 10 bytes

Size: Apart from the usual height and length we have the pixels that It is what tells us how much a photograph occupies on a screen. A pixel or pixels is the smallest homogeneous unit in color that is part of a photograph. It will be easily recognized as each square that we see when a photograph is zoomed in as far as possible and it is what allows an image to be composed.

Weight measures from byte to Gb

1 byte = 8 bits.
1 kilobyte (kB or kbyte) = 1024 bytes.
1 megabyte (MB or Mbytes) = 1024 kilobytes.
1 gigabyte (GB or Gbytes) = 1024 megabytes.

Maximum pixel sizes for web

Computer: Ideal maximum 1200px Mobile: 500px

What is the maximum size that we can have on a website?

The ideal width for an image viewed on a computer, which is supposed to have Wi-Fi or a direct connection via router, is 1024 pixels and in weight, therefore, not to exceed 100 kb.

It seems basic Chinese but it is easier to understand and achieve than it seems and in this way you will really learn how to have your website optimized in images easily

I invite you to watch the two videos that we have prepared for you so that you can see how easy it is to have the photographs optimized for your website.

Optimize images for web photoshop

Here I leave you the version for Photoshop which is the 2nd part of the previous video. 

Do you want us to help you? If you have questions or want us to help you, write to us without obligation. 


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