When a company has too much with a corporate image or simply you have never really had it and your image is outdated, it's time to renew it. In this process of change, many doubts arise from the client, will we lose our strength as a brand? Will our regular customers recognize us? This is when having a solid corporate image makes us the difference between having or not having a journey.

The corporate image is what identifies us, it is exclusively the logo, it is the color of our brand, the one by which customers recognize us among other brands, it is the isologo (graphic identifier or what is commonly called logo drawing).

Redesign or renew, the difference

Although it seems practically the same, it is not. When we redesign We are changing key points, we are probably changing fonts, we are redrawing isologos that may or may not have evolved from the initial one and perhaps we will even select a different corporate color. These changes are often more drastic than the renewal and with this we seek a greater impact, sought mainly by the need to show itself as a more serious, professional and competitive company.

When we renew the image of a company, we improve the existing without straying too far. It is used in many cases to make redesigns in phases and that the change is not so drastic. We can change the tone of the color and not the color, choose a cleaner similar typography but we do not go from one to its opposite. The isologists they generally evolve as seen in the following examples:

If a company has been with the same image for 3 or more years, the fear of change can result in stagnation as a brand, this increases if the company has been the same for more than a decade. Why is it important to renew? Because the company must show that it is alive, that it is up-to-date, that it is not afraid of change, that it is moving forward, that it dares to change in order to offer the best to its customers.

Just as any company, whatever the sector, needs to invest in machinery or work tools, the image, its website or even starting to have a presence in social networks is essential to compete in a business market that is more challenging every year.

If you want us to study your image and evaluate the possibility of renewing or redesigning your company's image, write us and we will advise you without obligation.