Google factors to position

What factors are important to take into account to position a page in Google and why you should take them into account.
Using LinkTree is giving away the traffic you generate to another company. Has no sense.

Contents summary


Obviously there are many factors that Google uses to rank, but we are going to analyze the main ones. Of course, Google bases its work on trying to give the best response to user queries, therefore these factors that we analyze today are part of its algorithm that can undergo continuous changes to improve its effectiveness.


At this point we must attend to elements such as the age of the domain, the keywords that we have in it and/or subdomains. The country extension .es, .fr, .ca is also important. You will be able to position yourself better in your country but not globally.

Domain factors
Domain AgeGoogle, although it does not give much weight, does take into account the age of the domain when positioning.
Keyword in domainThe name of our company, some keyword that determines what it is about... will be relevant for positioning.
Keyword in first position within the domain.Google can boost our domain if the keyword is in the first position.
Keyword in subdomainIf the keyword appears in the subdomain it will also be boosted.
country extensionThat is, .es, .ir, .fr, can help us position ourselves in our country, but it limits us to do so globally.


Aspects such as having the keyword in the title tag, in the description, in the content are very important and relevant to improve positioning. Important is to pay attention to the optimization of the images, length of the content and avoid duplicate content.

Page Factors
The keyword in the title tagThe title tag or Title Tag. It is one of the most important HTML tags, because it indicates the title of the URL of a web page and the search engine will take it into account. It must not exceed 70 characters and the keyword must appear in them.
The keyword at the beginning of the title tagEasy, put that label at the beginning of the title. This will give better positioning than if we put it at the end.
The keyword in the description tagWhen we make the description within our page, we must also add that keyword.
The keyword in the H1 tagThe H1 is the title of a post or the title of a page, it is used to identify the most important heading of a page and it is another of the signals that we send to Google.
The keyword in the contentVERY IMPORTANT. The keyword must appear in the content of the page several times for it to be detected and given the importance it deserves by Google.
The length of that contentThere has been a lot of debate about this, but in recent years it has been proven that Google prefers long content to shorter content.
Duplicate contentDo not copy. Google detects duplicate content and penalizes the pages that do this practice.
Image optimizationThat is, add a description to the images that has keywords used in the text, an image title that is descriptive, short, clear and concise, an alternative text and even a legend. All this to improve the tracking and subsequent positioning of Google.
Page load speedSearch engines measure the loading speed of a page, and if the web takes a long time to load, they will give it less importance. The speed is due to many factors: the hosting, the technology with which it is developed, the images, the plugins... It can be improved.
The language and quality of the content.Well-written content is better positioned by Google. The spelling, the language, the grammar indicate the quality of the content and it will be useful for the reader and for Google.
Number of internal linksBoth the number of internal links to a page and their quality will give the page authority.
page ageThe time a page has is important, but it is even more important if this page is updated because it will gain authority.
easy structureThat is to say, that it is easily navigable and readable both by spiders and by the user.
Page CategoriesThe category in which a page appears is relevant, that is, pages that are part of categories will have more momentum.
The length of the URLThe length of the URLs is important, since the longer they are, the more difficult it is for search engines to find them.
Broken linksPages with many broken links may lose authority, as the search engine will believe that the page has stopped being updated and will not give it relevance.


Here the usability of the website, the time spent, user reviews, backlinks or links with authority, content shared on social networks or the security of the site are really relevant.

Site factors
Site usabilityThat is, the degree of ease for the use of a page. Google will take into account the ease with which the user interacts with a page, that it be intuitive, simple, easy and pleasant to navigate.
Stay timeThe time we spend on a page is also measurable by Google. 
ContactThe contact information section is also important for both the user and the search engine.
Using Google AnaylitcsThe use of Google tools such as Analytics also influences positioning.
User reviewsThe comments (the reviews) of users in Google are increasingly important.
Authoritative external linksThat is, that other relevant pages have links to our site.
Shared on social networksThat users share content from our page on social networks also helps positioning.
Site privacy and security noteGoogle will identify the site as trustworthy.


Other important elements are, for example, the loading speed of the page, the type of content and its quality, number of internal and external links, page age (old), page structure, broken links.

Google and its algorithm

Google makes more than 600 changes to its algorithm in a single year and the vast majority of these are not even announced. Only when the change is very big do they give it a name and announce it. Venice, Paloma, Panda, Penguin, Payday, Caffeine or Colibrí are some of the most popular.

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Google factors to position

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