If you have recently launched into the world of Instagram to sell your products or services, it is likely that your account is the normal one and not the special one for companies.
as well as in Facebook You have a page and you should never use your personal profile to exclusively sell or promote your business, the same thing happens on Instagram.
Instagram is not going to bring you visits to the web or at least they will not be exactly remarkable since for each publication the link that you place will not be active. Still, you can boost your brand, expand your potential customers, express the human and daily aspect of your company and maintain a rate of interaction, which if you do it well, can become very high.
But to do all this you must apply it with an Instagram account for companies, the normal version for individuals is not valid because in this case your publications have to be clearly that, personal.
Behind there will be no person checking, it will be an algorithm that can hardly be fooled, it is a matter of time before you enter and find that your account has been suspended or blocked for violating the rules of use.
In other cases, when you publish something that Instagram does not like because of its sometimes extreme moral sense, you can solve it by deleting that specific photo, but if you get suspended for promoting commercially, it will be more difficult for you since you would have to delete all the content.
To have an Instagram account for companies, you just have to open Instagram from your mobile or tablet and enter options:
Then it will ask you if you want a Creator or Company profile, this is good if you want to profile yourself as a professional but not as a company in a traditional way. Inside it will be the same, but for Instagram the algorithm will show you as a character.
In this way you will already have access to all the benefits of having an account for companies: Daily statistics where you will be able to know if the majority of your city or country follows you, age, gender and in this way you will know your audience to improve it, adjust it or continue working for it. expand it.
Then you can use Instagram as a great opportunity for your business to promote itself and attract more users. You will be able to interact and see reactions to your promotions, new products, find out what your customers like.
Instagram is a visual but very emotional space, so take advantage of this moment to learn to connect in a different way.
What results do you think you can have on Instagram from now on?
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If you have doubts, want to undertake or do not know how to improve your strategy, write us without obligation.
The first mistake many companies make is to think that once the web is published and social networks are activated,
The digital marketing model for this new digital 2.0 environment is made up of a sequence of four phases that feed each other: Traffic to the web.
Conversion within the web.
Digital relationship with the client.
Digital reputation.
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You have just learned about the most common metrics that you should use to monitor social networks. You should keep in mind that each social network has its own metrics and it is important that you know them all well.
Emprender un negocio puede ser un camino emocionante y desafiante al mismo tiempo. Para aquellos que han intentado emprender en el pasado y no han tenido éxito, o para quienes están considerando la posibilidad de comenzar su primer negocio, esta guía paso a paso está diseñada para ayudarte a convertir tu idea en un negocio exitoso. A lo largo de este artículo, exploraremos las etapas fundamentales para desarrollar una idea de negocio, desde la concepción inicial hasta la implementación y promoción efectiva. Además, descubrirás cómo el branding y el marketing adecuados pueden marcar la diferencia en el éxito de tu empresa.
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